Come and be part of Tapawera’s School & Community Garden!

The garden is an exciting collaboration between Tapawera Area School and the Tapawera community. The school uses the garden as part of teaching programmes and community volunteers see the garden as a key part of boosting food resilience in Tapawera and increasing food security.

Produce grown in the garden is shared between the school whanau, garden volunteers and the wider community. If you wish to share in the produce grown in the garden, please become one of the garden’s volunteers.

The more people who get involved, the more we can do together. Come along to a working bee, or just pop in to have a look at what’s going on.

Meeting times
Working bees are held from 8.30am-12.30pm on the first Saturday of each month and volunteers can also work at times when it suits them.
Contact Name
Sabine Reinert or Gavin Scoble
Contact Number
027 757 6665 (Gavin)