How the Community-Led Development Programme Works

Being community-led is fundamental to the Community-Led Development approach and the Community Plan is essential to help us prioritise the projects that have broad community support.

That's why the Community-Led Development Team is concentrating right now on putting this together.

Once the community has given feedback on the draft plan it will become operational and provide a framework for achieving Tapawera's hopes and dreams.

In the meantime the Tapawera Community-Led Development Team is available to offer support to smaller community-led initiatives. Contact us to to discuss your idea, and learn how we can support you.

Once the community plan has been adopted we will be actively seeking community champions to lead the projects identified and prioritised by the community. The Community-Led Development Team’s role is to facilitate community hopes becoming reality through collaborating with and supporting the project lead and team.

Let's say you have a great idea for a project that will benefit our community...

A project proposal will be put together, usually by the proposer working together with one of our community coordinators or a Community-Led Development Team member, and then presented to the CLD Team for discussion.

You are normally the best advocate for your project. If proposing a project you are encouraged to attend the CLD Team meeting considering the project to discuss your ideas. Support people are welcome to join you if you wish. A coordinator can present with you, or present on your behalf if you prefer for any reason.

If your proposal is supported you won’t be on your own - a community coordinator or CLD Team member will work with you to develop a plan and put together a project action team.

To learn more about the process to put forward a project proposal click here.

If you want to know more about where the Community-Led Development Programme is at in Tapawera, please contact Phoebe Quinlivan (021 211 6730).