Rural Connections is about rural people from all ages and stages coming together in a relaxed social way. It’s a time to get off the farm, have a chat, try something different and meet other locals in the primary industries. If you have someone working with you that would like to make local connections, or join the newly formed Young Farmers group in our region, then bring them along! We are proud to have Rural Women NZ partner with us for this relaxed event. Rural Connections is currently being held bi-monthly. Venue, menu and details change each time.
Tim King
On local issues & the upcoming election
Delicious Food
Rural Women’s mouth-watering crock pot meals
Good Company
Connect with others from local primary industries
Be ready to have some fun!
$12 p/p to cover meal & non-alcoholic drinks. BYO alcoholic drinks is welcomed. Vaccination passport required. To book, or any questions, please email nelsonfedfarm@gmail.com with your details.
Moutere Hills Community Centre 1539 Moutere Highway, Upper Moutere